Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brea Resident has his say.....

Submitted by Brean.... (received as email)

Friends and Neighbors,

As we approach Election Day, November 2nd, the ugly season is upon us. The attacks and counter-charges, the silly mailers, etc. - we have all seen it before and generally throw the mail box clutter into the trash without reading. I received a mailer today that was particularly despicable but predictable - a large post card from the Brea Firefighters PAC that supports 2 candidates for Brea City Council. The ad attempts to scare the potential voters into voting for their choice of candidates and insinuates that the other council members and candidates don't take public safety seriously or it is not a priority. Can the Brea Firefighters really believe that the other council members and candidates don't support public safety? The Brea Firefighters care about public safety but they care more about their pensions, overtime and work rules. After the election they will expect their supported candidates to return the favor and support their position (turnover of the Brea Fire Department to the Orange County Fire Authority where they will have higher pensions, more overtime and relaxed work rules; all at Brea taxpayers expense. While I am not advocating supporting or not supporting the candidates supported by the Brea Firefighters Union - I can tell you that every serious Republican candidate in Orange County has taken the pledge to not accept endorsements or support from public service unions - it is an inherent conflict of interest when it comes time to negotiate with these unions.

Attached is the flyer with my editorial comments and a letter from a current council member not up for election.

Ralph Heimann


following letter is independent of but was submitted as part of above submittal (received as email)

Dear Brea Resident,

My name is Don Schweitzer. I am currently a member of the Brea City Council. The reason for this email is quite simple. I am concerned about the misinformation the firefighter’s union is putting out during this campaign. Please do not base your support or non-support of a candidate on what the firefighters are saying about public safety. Every current councilman and every current candidate places public safety as their number one priority. To suggest otherwise is categorically untrue!
Ask yourself why the union is spending tens of thousands of dollars to get two particular candidates elected. The short answer is that they believe their candidates will give them a majority vote on the council to dismantle the Brea Fire Department and contract with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). Is that what you want? Do you want to lose control of our Fire Department that has a 98% public satisfaction rating? I sincerely hope not.
Brea’s new fire department reorganization plan saves the city nearly $1,300,000 per year when fully implemented without compromising public safety. It does this by controlling the firemen’s unnecessary overtime costs. No salary reductions and no layoffs.
OCFA’s plan supported by the firefighter’s union only saved $500,000 per year while losing city control and laying off 18 Brea fire personnel.
When in doubt, follow the money. Our firefighters want to work for OCFA because of higher salaries, better benefits and more opportunity for advancement; not because of providing Brea with better public safety.
Brea is safe. Brea will remain safe and should control its own destiny! Please vote for the candidates that will say NO to the Fire Union’s power play.
If you agree with my opinion, please forward this email to your friends and family. We can’t compete with expensive banners, posters and billboards but we can make a difference by getting the word out.

Thank you,

Don Schweitzer
Brea City Council